Spring Break is usually associated with itineraries, socializing, and traveling — which can wear you out. Maybe what you need is to slow down and decompress by: Limiting screen time. Try leaving your phone in the car when you meet a friend for lunch so you can give them your full attention. A small digital detox can pay off big. Cleaning out your social media accounts. You may have some social media clutter. Spend some time purging what you no longer find valuable. Resting. One word: naps! Getting fresh air. There’s something cleansing about being outside, even in the rain or snow. Exercising. If you can combine exercise with fresh air, all the better. Organizing. As you organize closets and drawers, find things to sell, donate, trade with a friend, or throw away. A break is a perfect time to purge physical clutter, too. If you or a loved one experience difficult emotions as you slow down during Spring Break, you’re not alone. If you or a family member would like help finding a mental health care or substance use treatment provider, contact Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential coordination service provided by Salem School District: Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. Visit caresolace.com/salem and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
care solace
Think spring!🌷 Mrs. Geibel's class worked on a spring writing activity and craft!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
We would like to congratulate Paige Vraney, 7th grade Salem student, on her first place win at District Solo & Ensemble last month! She sang a Class A (High School Level) Song, On My Own from Les Miserables, and got a 1 star rating! She will compete at the State Competition on May 6th under the direction of Mr. Michael Walker, Salem Music Teacher. Paige and her parents, Brett and Abbey Vraney, her brother Luke, and her grandparents attended our Board Meeting on Tuesday night to showcase her song! Please wish Paige luck as she competes on May 6th, and stay tuned for a video of her performance!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
We are now accepting sign up for Track and Field for both Boys and Girls. Due to previous observation on the amount of participants we are expecting, we will only allowing 6th-8th grades the opportunity to sign up. *PRACTICES BEGIN ON Tuesday, April 11th FROM 3:30 - 5:00* Please also ensure participants have a current standing physical, emergency contact card (RED CARD), and a concussion form turned in to Mr. Willkomm. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to having these forms turned in. If you have participated in a previous sport (THIS YEAR) and have turned these in, you will not need any more paper work. Red cards, physical forms, and concussion forms can be picked up in the school office or downloaded and printed from the Salem School District athletics webpage under "Forms". Girls Track and Field Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei3Jpa3OYocrcnIe4rziNBoBuRvdPup_pQHzjyUw6eKgkt2w/viewform Boys Track and Field Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewms3TRAnSIuPcCgZXzdH7bzcmggBHEXQFAFMglqISAIsPqg/viewform *PLEASE NOTE TRAVEL CONSENT QUESTION* : Due to Salem being in close proximity to Central High School, in recent years the team has walked there for practices. This walk will be conducted and supervised by the coaches. There will be a question at the end of the google form, please answer based on your perspective on whether you give your child permission or not to attend this walk.
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
The Spring season brings ample opportunities for substitute teachers. If you’ve ever considered substitute teaching, now is a perfect time! We’re hiring for Salem School District! Starting now means you’ll be ready to work this school year and next—on a schedule YOU pick. Apply today: https://www.teachersoncall.com/talent/apply-now Questions? Contact our Teachers On Call Recruiter, Megan Gibson at megan.gibson@teachersoncall.com or (608) 673-3283.
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Our Salem 8th graders would like to announce that they will be hosting Hat Day, this Friday, March 24th for ALL grade levels! Bring $1.00 to school and sport your favorite hat for the day! All proceeds will go to help fund the 8th Grade Field Trip!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
hat day
Students in Mrs. Fuller's 6th grade classroom created Dream Boards in SEL. Some students then shared their visions with their peers!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Yesterday evening the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department hosted their Annual Deputy Friendly Banquet! Fourth-grade students throughout Kenosha County schools created a safety poster and essay. Judges selected one winner from each fourth-grade classroom. The contest winners were honored at the banquet and were also awarded a bike to recognize their positive achievements! We are SO proud of our fourth-grade Falcon winners and their fourth-grade teachers for the encouragement and support! Mia Keiser - Ms. Hale Jayce Laho - Ms. Glassen Finn Ramsay - Mrs. Russell Emma Cooper - Mrs. McGrath Noah M. - Mrs. Braun
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Yesterday morning CHS Peer Helpers visited Salem on their Tobacco Truth Tour to meet with our sixth graders to talk about the dangers of smoking and vaping. They had a very informative and engaging program for our students! Thank you Central!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
St Patrick's day themed jokes and riddles with a partner🍀 Mrs. Braun's 4th graders used their knowledge of coordinate grids to decode messages. Where can you always find gold? In the dictionary! 😂
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Miss Turk's class used shaving cream on whiteboards to spell words and word sounds in Sonday phonics class. Students really enjoyed getting to practice their spelling in a fun, and messy, way!!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
7th grade is currently working on large food sculptures in art class. We have cakes🎂, carrots🥕, chicken legs🍗 and more! They used Ms. Schopps recyclable materials to create the base structure and are using plaster sheets to seal in their designs. The final part will be painting their sculptures. Stay tuned!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Students in Mrs. Velleux’s room had a visit from Liam the Leprechaun! He left some special surprises on the students' desks. They also enjoyed a sweet treat from a wonderful parent! 🍀🌈
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Salem families - please take a look at our lost and found video to see if you recognize any items that belong to your student! Each Friday a new video will be posted and shared. Items shown that week will be available for pickup in the main office the next Monday through Friday, and will then be put into storage. Parents can stop by to look if need be after that time. Items not claimed will be donated to the Sharing Center. View this week’s NEW video here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SzQeAs_x0C-ooUfl13jRAcY7psEwG2CY/view?usp=share_link
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
On April 11th from 5:00-7:00 pm Salem School is hosting a Literacy Night for 4K-5 families! Please click the link below to RSVP for this FUN event! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsSuY_00miey6ywvOnRiqFo0RIo1Osp7XxSufLP79YfmdAhg/viewform
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Mrs. Russell's fourth grade classroom loves a chance to have a screen free indoor recess! Students enjoyed board games and social time today!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
A beautiful new pop of color in our stairwell near 1st and 3rd grade! Check out the most recent work done by Ms. Stalker's Mural Club, they did a great job!!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
This week during math, Ms. Veium's class was working on 2D and 3D shapes. The lesson was called "What's my rule?" Students had to draw or write words to describe the way the objects were sorted!
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
Please join us tomorrow, March 16th, for a presentation by Mr. Marquez Guzman, Salem's Executive Director of Business Services. You can choose to attend one or both sessions, which will be held in our LGI. Please park on the HWY AH side of the building and enter through Door 11.
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District
There are still a few spots left for our 4K Future Falcon Day, coming up on April 5th! Meet our 4K teachers and staff, explore the 4K classrooms, and learn all about the half day and full day 4K programs that we offer! Please choose one session for you and your child to attend, and sign up below. This event is for students who will be at least four years old on or before September 1, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact us at 262-843-2356. If you are not already enrolled at Salem for the 2023-2024 school year, you may enroll that day if you choose! If you want to enroll that day, please bring along a valid ID, the student's original birth certificate and proof of residency. Acceptable forms of proof of residency include a deed, current rental agreement signed by both parties, current tax statement, or a utility bill (gas, electric, water or sewer) within the last 30 days. Click here to sign up for a session: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f48aea62ca7f9c43-salem2#/
almost 2 years ago, Salem School District