We are so excited to announce that the National Junior Honor Society is coming to Salem! Invitations were formally issued to the 6th - 8th grade students that have academically qualified for NJHS, and the packets to apply were sent home on Tuesday, 1/30. With the packet you will find an instruction sheet and an organizer to assist with the application, which must be submitted by February 29th at 10:00am. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lillyroot at sandy.lillyroot@salem.k12.wi.us Visit our NJHS page for more information: https://www.salem.k12.wi.us/page/national-junior-honor-society
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
NJHS Information for application
Mrs. Bruni's 2nd graders are diving into a new reading unit - Animal Stories! Get ready for weeks filled with captivating tales and creative writing adventures! 🦁📝 Stay tuned! #AnimalStories #YoungAuthors #SecondGrade #Salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
reading animal stories in 2nd grade
Mr. Beth's PE class had the opportunity to participate in a bowling unit! Check out our 1st grade students cosmic bowling during their class!🎳
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
cosmic bowling in PE Class
The students in Kindness Club have been spreading kindness all year! 💕 They've sent cards, made posters, worked on self-kindness, made cat toys for animal shelters, and so much more! We are so proud of these students for all of the work they've put in to making Salem a welcoming and kind environment! #kindnessclub #falconfamily #bekind #spreadjoy #salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
kindness club
kindness club
kindness club
kindness club
Salem School is now hiring additional Lunch & Recess Supervisors! We are looking for individuals who are able to work Monday - Friday, between 10:45am - 1:00pm. To apply, please contact Ms. Aly Schmidt, at aly.schmidt@salem.k12.wi.us or x.623.
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
now hiring lunch and recess monitors
We are now accepting sign ups for both Boys & Girls Volleyball. Due to previous observation on the number of participants we are expecting, we will only be allowing 6th-8th grades the opportunity for sign ups at this time. *Boys Volleyball Tryouts BEGIN ON Monday, February 12th FROM 3:30 - 5:00* *Girls Volleyball Tryouts BEGIN ON Monday, February 12th FROM 3:30- 5:00* *PLEASE NOTE: If your athlete makes the team there is a mandatory $35 dollar athlete fee. This fee must be completed in order for them to continue participation within games and practices the rest of the season. Please also ensure participants have a current standing physical, emergency contact card (RED CARD), and a concussion form turned in to Mr. Willkomm. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to having these forms turned in. If you have participated in a previous sport (THIS YEAR) and have turned these in, you will not need any more paper work. Red cards, physical forms, and concussion forms can be picked up in the school office or downloaded and printed from the Salem School District athletics webpage under "Forms". Girls Volleyball Sign up:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdojRohQa7omU2vA9YEqyt6Rx-4koeuLTbCZDYDTt2D6M0mpg/viewform Boys Volleyball Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeclkHDT-gcdvrXetlhx3vsJJ9I7gkrgUnpmPpCe7AXCc2sew/viewform
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
volleyball tryouts
Salem School is excited to announce that 4K/5K Enrollment opens TOMORROW! Salem offers both a full day and half day 4K program for students 4-years-old on or before September 1, 2024. Students, age 5, on or before September 1, 2024, can enroll for our full-day Kindergarten program. Students currently enrolled in Salem's 4K program for the 2023-2024 school year do not have to enroll for Kindergarten. Enrollment will begin January 29, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Monday through Friday, in the school's office located off of AH. The student's original birth certificate and proof of residency are required in order to enroll. Acceptable forms of proof of residency include a deed, current rental agreement signed by both parties, current tax statement, or a utility bill (gas, electric, water or sewer) within the last 30 days. Please keep in mind that your choice for full day vs. half day 4K is on a first come, first served basis. Your choice can be made as soon as you fill out the required enrollment forms and show the birth certificate and proof of residency. Click here for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jLe0753mHCJbuz25OrGesIBlcjVBFdTP/view?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
4K and 5K Enrollment begins tomorrow January 29th
Hello, Heart Heroes! Are you ready?! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school soon! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping others, and having fun. Get a head start by signing up today and becoming a lifesaver. Visit our school page at http://www2.heart.org/goto/SalemGradeSchool OR download the Kids Heart Challenge app! Students in grades 5K - 5th grade will attend a kickoff assembly on Thursday, February 1st to learn more!
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
heart challenge save the date
These 4K falcons were very excited and proud to present their artwork to Dr. King! 🎨😄 #LittleArtists #Superintendent #4KFalcons #Salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
4K artwork for dr. king
4K artwork for dr. king
4K artwork for dr. king
4K artwork for dr. king
The negative effects of social media on teens and tweens can be obvious for parents and educators, but there are seldom discussions about the positive effects of social media and the ability they have to use their social media platforms for good. When teaching students how to build healthy screen time habits, it can be helpful to also understand the positive effects of social media and the ways social media enables teens to support their mental health! Join the next FREE online event here: https://smartsocial.com/post/positive-impact-of-social-media?org=salemsd
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
how to use your social media accounts to shine online smartsocial
Exciting news in 7th grade! 🐛🦋 The milkweed bugs in Mrs. Potter's class have entered the second generation and have now reached adulthood! Students created new habitats for them to thrive and continue their journey. 🌿🪲 #MilkweedBugs #NatureEnthusiasts #Science #7thGrade #Salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
7th grade milkweed bug habitats
7th grade milkweed bug habitats
7th grade milkweed bug habitats
Mrs. Sivia’s fifth graders were excited to share their Ecosystem projects with their classmates last week! They have worked hard all quarter researching and becoming experts on an ecosystem of their choice. Keep up the great work fifth graders!
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
fifth grade ecosystem projects
Registration for the Spring 2024 season of Esports is now open through 2/13/24. Meetings will start on February 20th. Students who participated in the fall season will need to complete the registration process for this new season. Visit this page for registration details: https://www.salem.k12.wi.us/page/esports
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
esports sign up is now open
The 5K Bake Sale is now open in the main office at Salem! 🍰🍪 Due to the ice day yesterday, our 5K families are hosting their sale TODAY, all day long, to support Ms. Simmons in her courageous battle against Pancreatic Cancer. Indulge in delicious treats while contributing to a great cause. Every bite counts! 💜Stop by the main office anytime throughout the day today until 3:30pm to pick up a sweet treat! #TeamSimmons #FalconFamily #FalconStrong #Salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
bake sale for ms simmons
Construction Update: Pardon Our Dust! 🚧 Please be aware that the surrounding community may hear loud noises due to steel work in progress on site this week. We appreciate your understanding as we work towards enhancing our facilities during this exciting phase of improvement! 🔨🏗️ #ConstructionUpdate #Progress #Miron #PardonOurDust #Salemschoolfalcons
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
building update : noise due to steelwork
January is National School Board Appreciation Month! Salem School District students benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our school board. Please join us in taking time to thank these dedicated school leaders! Dr. Ted Goergen, President Mr. Nick Pauloni, Vice President Ms. Nicole Hass, Treasurer Dr. Steve Brown, Clerk Mr. Jack Niccolai, Deputy Clerk
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
school board appreciation month photo
This week, we’re participating in the #GreatKindnessChallenge. Join us by doing at least 10 acts of kindness this week! Showing kindness to ourselves is just as important. If you need extra support, Care Solace will find a mental health or substance use care provider for you; call 888-515-0595 or caresolace.com/salem.
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
kindness challenge from care solace
United in Purple💜 On Wednesday, staff and students wore purple to show our support for Ms. Simmons as she battles Pancreatic Cancer. We 💜our Falcon Family! #TeamSimmonsStrong #FalconStrong #Salemschoolfalcons #FalconFamily
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
staff wearing purple to support ms simmons in her cancer battle
Kindergarten loves UFLI phonics! 💕 Students in Mrs. Culotta's class are building words with magnetic letters, writing heart words on dry erase boards, and reading CVC words for a movement break!
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
UFLI phonics activities in 5K
Middle school Spanish classes taught each other phrases and moves in Spanish last week! ¡Buen trabajo!
about 1 year ago, Salem School District
teaching directions and movements in Spanish Class
teaching directions and movements in Spanish Class
teaching directions and movements in Spanish Class